PrescribeIT Mail Window Overview

The PrescribeIT Mail window contains information about a specific communication that is sent to or received from a prescriber.

This window displays when creating a new communication or detailing a communication.

To learn more about the window, select one of the highlighted areas.

Table 1. PrescribeIT Mail Window Feature Overview

Field Description
Basic Information

Displays information about the communication, including:

  • Doctor - the prescriber that is sending or receiving the communication.
  • Patient - the patient the communication pertains to, if applicable.
  • Subject - the subject of the communication.
  • Drug - the prescribed medication the communication pertains to, if applicable. If the prescription is part of a Split Rx group, a Split Rx indicator precedes the drug names.
  • Date - the date the communication is sent or received.
  • Category - the category of the communication. General is the only option available currently.
  • Priority - indicates if the communication is a high priority. When flagged as a high priority, the prescriber will receive the message with a priority indicator.
Message The main message of the communication.

Any attachments that are sent with or received from the communication. A maximum of 20 pages can be attached to a communication.


Contains the history of the communication, such as all replies.

Action Buttons

The following actions can be performed in the PrescribeIT Mail window:

  • Single Scan and Duplex Scan - scans attachments to a communication.
  • Draft - saves the communication as a draft that can be completed at another time.
  • Send - sends the communication to the prescriber.
  • Cancel - closes out of the PrescribeIT Mail window without sending the communication.